C ile en yüksek maaş örneği

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MaxRegularHours 40
#define OvertimeFactor 1.5
int main() {
 FILE * in = fopen("paydata.txt", "r");
 FILE * out = fopen("payroll.txt", "w");
 char firstName[20], lastName[20], name[40], bestPaid[40];
 double hours, rate, regPay, ovtPay, netPay;
 double wageBill = 0, mostPay = 0;
 int numEmp = 0;

 fprintf(out,"Name Hours Rate Regular Overtime Net\n\n");
 fscanf(in, "%s", firstName);
 while (strcmp(firstName, "END") != 0) {
 fscanf(in, "%s %lf %lf", lastName, &hours, &rate);

 if (hours <= MaxRegularHours) {
 regPay = hours * rate;
 ovtPay = 0;
else {
 regPay = MaxRegularHours * rate;
 ovtPay = (hours - MaxRegularHours) * rate * OvertimeFactor;
 netPay = regPay + ovtPay;
 //make one name out of firstName and lastName
 strcpy(name,firstName); strcat(name," "); strcat(name,lastName);
 fprintf(out, "%-15s %5.1f %6.2f", name, hours, rate);
 fprintf(out, "%9.2f %9.2f %7.2f\n", regPay, ovtPay, netPay);
 if (netPay > mostPay) {
 mostPay = netPay;
 strcpy(bestPaid, name);
 wageBill += netPay;
 fscanf(in, "%s", firstName);
 } //end while

 fprintf(out, "\nNumber of employees: %d\n", numEmp);
 fprintf(out, "Total wage bill: $%3.2f\n", wageBill);
 fprintf(out,"%s earned the most pay of $%3.2f\n",bestPaid, mostPay);
 fclose(in); fclose(out);